Enneagram 2.0 with Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes. Two of the top enneagram teachers from across the globe share new insights on this ancient personal development system. My favorite.
The Enneagram Journey Podcast, Suzanne Stabile, popular author and teacher of the Enneagram. Accessible teaching. See more about her work at www.lifeinthetrinityministry.com.
Typology Podcast. Ian Morgan Cron, enneagram author and teacher, Episcopal priest, psychotherapist.
Tests are a good starting point. Tests can only test for behaviors which arise from mostly unnoticed default motivations; therefore, tests are limited in accuracy. Yet, tests raise your awareness of how you respond to the world and which enneagram types seem like a possible fit.
Eclectic Energies Eclectic Energies Enneagram Tests (free) This seems to be a good one. They offer 2 tests, one is shorter (test 2). I got the same result with each. The test questions are good (the underlying type being asked about is less obvious). FREE.
Truity https://www.truity.com/test/enneagram-personality-test?ppcga=fixed&gclid=CjwKCAiAv9ucBhBXEiwA6N8nYLRWDbpvu_JrX76oTQZVW9tcil-1P0MZajOWV8rmyEnIoKhoCBJv1BoCWCEQAvD_BwE Easy site. You land right on the page and start answering questions for 10 min. The results are displayed in a pie chart showing your % for each of the nine types. FREE. There is an option for a full summary ($29).
The Art of Growth https://www.theartofgrowth.org/discoveryourtype. FREE Enneagram Test and Instincts Test. Includes summary.
Similar Minds Free Enneagram Personality Test (similarminds.com) Enneagram Test and Instincts Test for FREE. The result is your potential type, no summary. It is a relatively quick test, yet the questions were in line with other fee-based tests.
RHETI About the RHETI® — The Enneagram Institute RHETI is the most well-known enneagram test. Enneagram Test is $12 and Instinctual Variant Test is $9. Summaries included.
WEPPS www.wepss.com $12. Jerome Wagner, PhD, former Jesuit, creator of the test. Includes detailed summary.
CP Enneagram Academy https://cpenneagram.com/taketestnow Chestnut Paes Sullivan Enneagram Test ($45). Thorough test with lengthy summary.
Know Your Type - App only for iOS (Apple) $3.99 one-time purchase. One-time payment of $3.99, iOS Apple. Ginger Lapid-Bogda.
What is the Enneagram? - The Enneagram Spectrum of Personality Styles. Jerome Wagner, PhD and former Jesuit, early learner of the Enneagram in the U.S.
https://cpenneagram.com/ Beatrice Chestnut and Uranio Paes. Popular, world-wide enneagram authors, teachers, podcasters.
https://enneagramgeorgia.com/ Atlanta area in-person and online learning resources. Created and run by Lynda Roberts and Nan Henson.
https://www.enneagraminstitute.com/ Probably the go-to enneagram website based on the work of Riso and Hudson.
https://theenneagraminbusiness.com/ Ginger Lapid-Bogda, PhD. Fantastic teacher. Lots of good visual resources here for enneagram practitioners.
https://www.lifeinthetrinityministry.com/ I highly recommend Suzanne Stabile's enneagram books, The Road Back to You, The Path Between Us, and The Journey Towards Wholeness, and her workshops. Stabile promotes the enneagram as a growth tool for Christians.
Enneagram Personality Testing & Programs - The Art of Growth Jim Zartman and Joel Hubbard. There is more here than a solid, free enneagram test and free instincts test. They have a podcast, certification program, as well as a community.
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