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Fall 2024
Welcome to my website Mary Maio - Spiritual Director & Enneagram Coach
Compassionate Listening. Encouragement.
Prayer & discernment. Resources. Enneagram Inner Work.
Please see "Spiritual Offerings" and "Enneagram Offerings" in the dropdown menu above for my offerings.
Mary's kind, caring, and patient nature made the challenging inner odyssey of The Spiritual Exercises an ultimately uplifting experience. While this journey does ask one to delve into their darker aspects, the light on the other side of this trek is assured and bright, and having Mary join me on that journey was like always having a lantern in the dark, guiding me down the path.
I was at Adoration tonight reading through some of the entries I had written in my spiritual journal in the last year, and my work with you has made a huge difference in knowing myself and in my relationship to God. You have a real gift for guidance! I have gained so much from my time with you.
Spiritual direction has been a source of inspiration and growth in my spiritual life which has spilled over into my physical and mental health as well. My prayer life has changed significantly as I have drawn closer to God. I am a better version of myself and I am able to share this with others. What a gift it has been!
Spiritual Direction has been a special blessing on my faith journey. I have been guided to several books and other resources that have significantly impacted my prayer life. I have been given “food for thought” that has deepened my spiritual awareness. I am grateful that I was led to seek out a Spiritual Director, and graced to find Mary Maio.
North Carolina
...has helped me learn deeper discernment, see and experience God's faithful intimate love for me, and keep moving forward with spiritual eyes. Thank you, Mary.
What is Spiritual Direction? What happens in a session?
Video by James Martin, SJ
Brief Spiritual Reflections
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